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Head Teachers Letter


On behalf of the children and staff I would like to welcome you to the Wigston Menphys Nursery School website.  


Wigston Menphys Nursery School is a nursery for children aged 2-5 years who have special educational needs.

It is situated in Wigston, South Leicestershire.  The Centre was built by the Leicestershire based Menphys Charity and is currently funded by the Local Authority.  The nursery is staffed by Teachers, Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants, Health Care Worker and Admin Staff.

The nursery's practioners work closely with parents, carers and professionals who regularly visit to support the children's learning.  These professionals include Speech and Language Therapists, Physio and Occupational Therapists and staff from the Specialist Teaching Services.

Wigston Menphys Nursery Schools' philosophy is the importance of recognising and working with each child as a unique individual, recognising their strengths and working on areas for development.


We are delighted to welcome you to our nursery.

Thank you for visiting.

Laura Jeffs

