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School Dinners and Snacks


Our school meals are delivered by the Schools Food Support Service.  The cost of a school meal is £2.55 per day.  You will need to complete a 'medical diet' sheet to inform the service about dietary requirements.


We charge 50p per day for two healthy snacks.  There is no charge for children with gastrostomies. We strongly recommend your child has school meals as we use this as part of the curriculum to develop social and independence skills. If, however, you decide to send in a packed lunch there will be a 50p per day charge for snacks.


We collect dinner, snack and activities money via a system called Plus Pay. When your child starts nursery you will receive an email from ParentMail asking you to sign up. You will be able to pay for this using card, PayPal or a barcode which you can take in to a Paypoint in a shop. Dinner and snacks must be paid for in advance.

Your child may be entitled to free school meals please ask for details or contact The School Meals Support Service at County Hall.  Children who have free school meals will still be required to pay for the snacks. 
Your child’s key worker will let you know what/how much he/she has eaten in the home/school diary.






